Digital X-Rays

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What is an X-Ray?

An x-ray is a form of radiation, like light or radio waves, which can be focused into a beam. When x-rays strike a piece of photographic film or a screen, a picture is produced. Dense tissues in the body, such as bones, block (absorb) many of the x-rays and appear white on an x-ray picture. Less dense tissues, such as muscles and organs, appear in shades of gray, while x-rays that pass only through air, such as x-rays of the lungs or colon, appear black.Digital x-rays achieve the same high quality picture as with film. An added benefit to digital x-rays is that they can be enhanced and manipulated with computers and sent via a network to other workstations and computer monitors, allowing practitioners in remote locations to access the images and assist in diagnosis.

Common areas of the body that X-rays are used to examine include:

  • Cervical Spine
  • Thoracic Spine
  • Lumbar Spine
  • Skull
  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Ribs
  • Pelvis
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Wrists
  • Elbows

At Clearview Diagnostic, we offer high-quality digital X-rays to provide clear and precise imaging for the accurate diagnosis of a wide range of medical conditions. Our x-ray clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art digital radiology technology, ensuring that our patients receive the best care possible. Whether you’re experiencing discomfort or require imaging for preventative care, we provide walk-in X-ray services, making it easier than ever to get the imaging you need without the hassle of long wait times or referrals.



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